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Get the financing green light

At the end of the day, applying for vehicle financing doesn’t need to be a daunting process.

July 19, 2024
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Get the financing green light

Applying for various things often triggers feelings of anxiety, particularly when the possibility of rejection looms. That said, WesBank has developed strategies to help guide you through the vehicle finance application process, increasing your chances of being approved. 

Why WesBank Assesses Your Application

You might wonder why WesBank needs to assess your application rather than simply approve it based on a single factor. The National Credit Act (NCA) requires all finance providers to ensure that customers can afford the financial commitments they undertake. For example, when applying for vehicle finance, the credit provider must evaluate your ability to manage credit repayments responsibly using two main criteria: affordability and creditworthiness. 

Affordability and Creditworthiness

Affordability is defined as how much you can comfortably afford to pay for new credit commitments. Your discretionary income, the amount remaining after covering all essential expenses, closely correlates with affordability. In this case, WesBank recommends calculating your discretionary income carefully; this includes accounting for other vehicle-related costs like insurance, fuel, and maintenance.

The WesBank app and website make it simple to check your affordability, customise your finance terms, and sign your vehicle contract in a matter of minutes. This proactive approach saves you time and helps set realistic expectations before you visit a dealership.

Creditworthiness, on the other hand, indicates how likely you are to repay borrowed money based on your credit history. It’s crucial to know that your credit score isn’t influenced by factors such as race or gender, but it does play a critical role in the approval process. Maintaining a favourable credit score, reviewing your credit report regularly, paying bills on time, and reducing outstanding debt are all important practices.

Best Practices for Improving Your Approval Chances

Save for a deposit: Before purchasing, it’s advisable to save for a larger deposit. This reduces your monthly repayments and demonstrates to credit providers that you are financially responsible and ready to commit. Another option is to trade in your existing vehicle, if you have one, to lower the amount you need to finance.

Settle existing debt: Another best practice is to reduce your current financial obligations by paying off existing debt, as this will increase your discretionary income.

Final Thoughts

In short, the WesBank App and online tools have made it much easier to apply for vehicle finance, thus simplifying the entire process for serious users. To help you understand the details of a finance agreement, finance and insurance (F&I) advisors at reputable dealerships offer valuable insights. Financial advisors can also assist with managing your finances and enhancing your credit health.

Engage with approved dealers affiliated with the National Automobile Dealers’ Association (NADA) for reliable information and strong after-sales support. These dealerships typically have F&I consultants who can customise finance agreements to suit your specific needs.

At the end of the day, applying for vehicle financing doesn’t need to be a daunting process. To make the application process seamless, you only need to understand the factors affecting affordability, creditworthiness, and the use of available tools and resources. For more assistance, visit the WesBank website or download the WesBank App as they will be happy to guide you through securing vehicle finance smoothly. 


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